Why does life move so quickly?

Wow I truly can not believe it has taken me a week to get back to this. Then again when I look back at this past week I can.
The first stumbling block was not having a laptop or computer at my beck and call. You see while I am here in Ohio I literally have to go down to the lobby to use a computer I can blog at. Then there are all the distractions of many people coming and going. Some see you at the computer and ask what you are doing. Hello, what if I am typing something business related that is highly sensitive? Oh well my bad I am in a public spot. But acn I have my space anyway?
So what has happened since I last blogged? Not a heck of a lot. I guess. My farm in Missouri is now officially being sold. We will be closing on or around Feb 25. This has me tearing up as I really wanted that place. I could so see myself breaking ground and growing my own food. Having some real live chickens. Laying naked (ok topless) out by the pond. Having a horse or two out there. I hope this really does mean something better is coming.
The training for the new job is going well, to an extent. Two of the accounts out here cancelled yesterday and today so I am out here with nothing to do and no computer to do it with. *sigh* I do miss my game. I will fly back out here next week then to MA the week after. Look out Uncle Jerry I am coming to visit.
I did spend most of yesterday working on my book. Yes I am actually writing my life story. I have had several titles for it but have finally decided that the title of this blog makes the best title for my book. Since it really is my perception of how my life has gone. I do believe we all see these days we live in different from how those we spend time with see it. From how my mother perceived me growing up, to my friends, to my husbands and children. I have not decided yet whether I will keep everyone's names the same or change a few to protect myself from being harassed.
I guess that is all for tonight I am not brimming with details of anything I feel the need to write. Guess the book is taking a lot of my creative stuff.


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