Trip to Spain: The journey there
Yesterday I left California for my first trip out of the continental United States. My stomach was all knotted up and I could hardly sleep the night before. However, I was okay with that, as I believed I would be able to get some sleep on the plane.
Getting to SFO was not a problem. Rich drove me. We left at about 1pm so I knew I would be there at least 2 hours before the flight. We had weighed my bags before leaving so I was pretty sure there would be no problem there.
On the way to SFO I realize that Rich had placed all my bags, including my carry-on in the back. The only reason this was bad was I wanted to double check a few details before I got to the airport. Oh well, it could wait.
Then I really looked at him and could not believe what my eyes told me. Did I not just tell him the other day that I would appreciate him looking at least presentable when we go out? Not in stained or ripped clothing please. Matching clothes would be nice. He was actually wearing a yellow and green striped shirt with stains on it, and a black and white long sleeved flannel shirt with a tear in the back over top of it. Really? Does he really think I want to be seen with him wearing that?
Being the grade A bitch that I am I actually said something about it. I was in a nice yet comfortable outfit for flying in, I had make-up on everything. So what would have been difficult for him to just take those off before we left and put on a nice long sleeve shirt with no stains or tears. Was he going to get out of the car to say good-bye? So while I look decent, I would never be a runway model or anything, he looks like a slob. Thanks honey.
At the ticket counter my suitcase was 1 kilo over. So I moved my beach towel to my carry on. Wow soon they will be charging us if we are over the average weight to sit in a seat.Oh weight that's right they make you purchase a second seat. Once I got that moved around it was no problem. I was checked in and headed to the gate.
On my way I stopped and grabbed a cup of coffee, $2.50 for a plain large cup. I guess all of us that travel must have lots of disposable income, right. Yes I think we pay way too much for these things. Especially when I buy A very large container of coffee for $7.99 and I make 6 cups (coffee pot measurement I only drink 2)every morning and said canister lasts easily 3 months. lets see that means each cup I drink at home is is approximately 20 cents. That includes any sugar or cream I add to it.
I found a place to sit get out my kindle and try to read. No way that is happening I am just way too excited. So I start watching the people around me. There is a really pretty mom with her sound asleep 3 or 4 year old just draped across her lap. An over dressed over made up older woman. A young guy in too big pants, shirt that comes to his knees and lots of sparkly things in ears and wound neck slouching in a seat trying to look like he is not there. People are funny. All in all though not much even of interest to watch. No arguing couples.
They started to load us and again no real problems. I found my seat just fine. I had a window and went to the restroom while waiting for the flight after finishing my coffee. It was going to be an 11 hour flight so I wanted my bladder empty. I was a bit restless. As always I was tense on take off. However, very relaxed once we were in the air.
On my way I stopped and grabbed a cup of coffee, $2.50 for a plain large cup. I guess all of us that travel must have lots of disposable income, right. Yes I think we pay way too much for these things. Especially when I buy A very large container of coffee for $7.99 and I make 6 cups (coffee pot measurement I only drink 2)every morning and said canister lasts easily 3 months. lets see that means each cup I drink at home is is approximately 20 cents. That includes any sugar or cream I add to it.
I found a place to sit get out my kindle and try to read. No way that is happening I am just way too excited. So I start watching the people around me. There is a really pretty mom with her sound asleep 3 or 4 year old just draped across her lap. An over dressed over made up older woman. A young guy in too big pants, shirt that comes to his knees and lots of sparkly things in ears and wound neck slouching in a seat trying to look like he is not there. People are funny. All in all though not much even of interest to watch. No arguing couples.
They started to load us and again no real problems. I found my seat just fine. I had a window and went to the restroom while waiting for the flight after finishing my coffee. It was going to be an 11 hour flight so I wanted my bladder empty. I was a bit restless. As always I was tense on take off. However, very relaxed once we were in the air.
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