
Showing posts from October, 2011

Trip to Spain: The journey there

Yesterday I left California for my first trip out of the continental United States. My stomach was all knotted up and I could hardly sleep the night before. However, I was okay with that, as I believed I would be able to get some sleep on the plane. Getting to SFO was not a problem. Rich drove me. We left at about 1pm so I knew I would be there at least 2 hours before the flight. We had weighed my bags before leaving so I was pretty sure there would be no problem there. On the way to SFO I realize that Rich had placed all my bags, including my carry-on in the back. The only reason this was bad was I wanted to double check a few details before I got to the airport. Oh well, it could wait. Then I really looked at him and could not believe what my eyes told me. Did I not just tell him the other day that I would appreciate him looking at least presentable when we go out? Not in stained or ripped clothing please. Matching clothes would be nice. He was actually wearing a yellow and gr...