
Showing posts from 2009

Looking Forward

Well, it seems this year went by way too fast and is ending on a sour note for me. I believe that means that things can only get better. So what can I do to change these things that are wrong in my life? My weight, my income, my location? DO SOMETHING . Yes, that's what I said, I need to do something with my life. I believe I have found it to. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and into a more active role in my own life. It is way to easy to sit around and complain about how we do not have this or that. How we have too much weight or not enough time, as we sit on the couch watching hours of TV or play our computer games. I am not saying everyone does this, however me and my husband do. I started this morning with a schedule that I am building to get me off the couch, out of the computer chair, and out of the house and into the life I want. I started by getting up at 6:30 this morning when I got out of bed. I grabbed the dog and took her for a walk. Then I fed the animals. Spent ...

To Work or not To Work

Oh my this day is going to stretch on forever and ever. I arrived at work hoping for a cool day and my machine is not working. Guess it wanted a day off today. Almost 2 hours and service is only 15 min away now. So now nothing to do but see if patients show and wait for the machine to be fixed. Meanwhile I forgot my patterns for the crocheting I am doing. I also finished the book I was reading last night. What to do.

Season of Cheer?

Okay, so originally I started this blog as I was trying to lose weight. I figured if I spent time typing it out I would stick to it. So nope did not follow through that way. But then I have since gotten a total hip replacement. As well as a bunch of other life crazy stuff. Now, I am just going top blog what is on my mind. I have absolutely always loved this time of year. When my kids were small we had no money and it was a major challenge just to get them the ONE perfect gift that they wanted. It became a key thing for me to make sure that there where presents under the tree no matter who they came from, but that the one special gift was from me. I will never forget the year I tricked Richie. He wanted a CD player, just a small personal one. That was back when they first came out and even a small one was like $40 or $50 bucks, high end of our gift budget. A friend of ours had gotten a CD player stereo and I asked for the box. I then placed the sheet and quilt set that Richie had wanted...

Addictions versus Choices

Question: Is an addiction a personal choice or a chemical/ physiological uncontrollable impulse? For me this is a seriously difficult question. I know some people out there believe that addictions can be easily overcome by nothing more then willpower. Yet everyday in the ER I work in I see meth users and alcoholics. They stand on street corners getting handouts "for food" and spend that money getting drunk or high. Never eating , or caring for themselves. I know some alcoholics that binge drink on the weekends. Never drinking at all when they have to be ready for work. It is ruining there lives and yet they still choose to do it. Is it by choice? Or is it a compulsion that overrides their thought processes to where there is no choice any longer? Why are some people able to overcome this compulsion and others can not? To me an addiction is something you can not controlled by ordinary means. In other words, a person can not simply say I will not smoke anymore, and walk away....

Two days in a row!

Not sure if I can keep to an everyday blog but will try. Question: What do you consider being materialistic? Having never had much money in my entire life I can not help but feel I am not materialistic in anyway shape or form. I do not want the trophy car. As my husband will tell you it is difficult for me to look at getting a second vehicle. Why do we need it when the one we got is hardly used? Yes, I like my sparkly things. All my jewelry is the real thing now. It is not for the bling factor but because I finally had the money to get something I saw and I liked. Do I go out of my way to get something everyone else has or wants? NO. I enjoy giving gifts to family and friends when I know there is something that would be useful or helpful. I try to keep random gifts under $50. Especially if it happens to benefit my grandson in anyway. I guess if you look around my apartment and see the 50" plasma with 2 computers below it, the laptop and third base computers in the next room, as we...

Life takes strange turns

As anyone who has been following this blog knows it has been a while since I have been on. I started this initially to cover my renewed hope of losing weight. While I am slowly shifting the weight around, lost 1% of my body fat, the ponds seem to be staying. Yes, muscle weighs more then fat. I got that a long time ago. Just hate stepping on the scale after a month to only see 5 lbs gone. While other friends on other programs loose 10+. My diet issues are hard to over come. Not being able to eat the free calorie foods stinks. Add to that stress associated with family issues. I would think the pounds would be dropping off. Alas no. One of the big reasons I have not blogged in a while is because I did not want to spread my feelings out there on the personal things going on. It has been mentioned to me that it bothers people to read about themselves even when names are not mentioned. Interesting double standard that allows one person to blog whatever they feel but others can not. Question:...
I guess once a week is about what you guys can expect from me. I have been making my sessions with my trainer 3 days a week. Not keeping strictly to the diet yet. However work has been kicking my rear on a daily basis. So I believe that my activity level is like twice what it used to be.

I'm Here

Sorry to everyone for taking so long getting back to this. I think I warned that I was not so good at the whole daily writing thing. So I have lost 2 pounds. Nope have not stuck very well to the diet plan. I think I like follow the plan about 2 or 3 days then cheat then back again.However, I have been doing exercises and working with my personal trainer. So I have increased my activities. Today I was cleaning my patio and thinking about life and people. So I am going to share my thoughts with you all. It all started with someone who had a preconceived idea of what I was going to be like before they ever met me. Why do people do that. It has always been a pet peeve of mine for someone to decide or tell me what I am thinking or feeling. After all sometimes I do not even know what I think or feel about something until it has come to my attention. I have always prided myself on not making judgements about people before I have gotten to know them. Although I have occasionally not followed m...

Day 2

Okay, so far not too bad. I went to the gym yesterday and got my membership. Hurray!!!! I also did something I feel is important for me, I spent the money to get a personal trainer for 16 sessions. That is 3 days a week for 5 weeks, starting next Tuesday. I hope it will lead to a more motivated start as I am paying for these sessions. Overall I have been really keeping an eye on what I eat. I did have Wendy's yesterday after my workout, bad slip I know. However I ate a healthier dinner. I have not gone to the store for the smoothie stuff so I limited breakfast to 2 eggs. I have already drank about 25oz of water. I had about 1/4 cup of pistachios for a snack. I did have 2 cups of coffee, can't keep away from the stuff. I do hope to switch to green tee though as that is a fat burner. I am not going to push myself too fast. That will only cause frustration and more cheating. I really wanted the frosty yesterday but did not buy it. Yea me. This morning I got on my WII and did some ...


As my first blog here I need to say I am not wholly comfortable with getting my thoughts and feelings out for everyone to share. So this will most likely on touch the surface. I started this today after reading both my step-daughters blog and my daughter-in-laws blog. It was after reading both that I realized just how different every on perceives the world around them. There are people that look at adversity and pout and say why me, and others that face the challenge and say to themselves, this stinks just let me make it through. I guess it depends for me what the situation is as to which way I go. It was not to long ago that I was told I am a doer. If it comes to getting things done I would rather do it and get it over with then not. I believe that is super true when it comes to work. Not so much at home. However, I am hoping to change that a bit. Today is the first day of my goal to lose 25 pounds by September. As most of my family and friends know I have certain dietary issues. I am...