
Showing posts from December, 2009

Looking Forward

Well, it seems this year went by way too fast and is ending on a sour note for me. I believe that means that things can only get better. So what can I do to change these things that are wrong in my life? My weight, my income, my location? DO SOMETHING . Yes, that's what I said, I need to do something with my life. I believe I have found it to. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and into a more active role in my own life. It is way to easy to sit around and complain about how we do not have this or that. How we have too much weight or not enough time, as we sit on the couch watching hours of TV or play our computer games. I am not saying everyone does this, however me and my husband do. I started this morning with a schedule that I am building to get me off the couch, out of the computer chair, and out of the house and into the life I want. I started by getting up at 6:30 this morning when I got out of bed. I grabbed the dog and took her for a walk. Then I fed the animals. Spent ...

To Work or not To Work

Oh my this day is going to stretch on forever and ever. I arrived at work hoping for a cool day and my machine is not working. Guess it wanted a day off today. Almost 2 hours and service is only 15 min away now. So now nothing to do but see if patients show and wait for the machine to be fixed. Meanwhile I forgot my patterns for the crocheting I am doing. I also finished the book I was reading last night. What to do.

Season of Cheer?

Okay, so originally I started this blog as I was trying to lose weight. I figured if I spent time typing it out I would stick to it. So nope did not follow through that way. But then I have since gotten a total hip replacement. As well as a bunch of other life crazy stuff. Now, I am just going top blog what is on my mind. I have absolutely always loved this time of year. When my kids were small we had no money and it was a major challenge just to get them the ONE perfect gift that they wanted. It became a key thing for me to make sure that there where presents under the tree no matter who they came from, but that the one special gift was from me. I will never forget the year I tricked Richie. He wanted a CD player, just a small personal one. That was back when they first came out and even a small one was like $40 or $50 bucks, high end of our gift budget. A friend of ours had gotten a CD player stereo and I asked for the box. I then placed the sheet and quilt set that Richie had wanted...